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Get Cheaper Rates On The Upcoming Ride-Hailing App, “Tara”, For Commuters

“Tara” for commuters

In a world dominated by ride hailing giants, a new player is making waves in the Philippines. Meet Tara, the cost-effective ride hailing alternative that’ll soon soon be a game-changer for commuters and drivers alike. Check out the rest for more details on this exciting new player in the ride hailing app sphere.

Wallet-friendly ride hailing alternative

Tara - wallet-friendly rates
Image credit: Erwin Dee via Facebook

Tara founder Erwin Dee believes that safe and reliable rides should be accessible to everyone. With this in mind, the upcoming ride hailing app will offer a variety of wallet-friendly fare options. Whether you’re traveling solo or with a group, Tara will ensure that you’ll find a ride that suits your budget. Plus, there are no hidden fees to worry about.

If this is deemed true when it comes out, Tara will quickly become the go-to choice for budget-conscious commuters in no time.

Transparency for drivers and passengers

Tara - transparency for drivers and passengers
Image credit: Erwin Dee via Facebook

In a Facebook post, Dee also explains that the app isn’t just about looking after passengers. It’s also committed to providing drivers with a fair and transparent platform. Drivers can expect competitive earnings, flexible working hours, and efficient in-app tools to streamline their operations.

Unlike other ride hailing platforms that eat into their earnings with high commissions, Dee promises a more driver-friendly fee structure with Tara. This means happier drivers, which ultimately translates to better service for riders.

And as a passenger, you won’t have to worry about hidden fees or surge pricing as Dee prides the Tara app for ensuring that you get the best value for your money.

A “beacon of change” in the ride hailing industry

As you can see, Tara is more than just another ride hailing app. This certainly calls for something new in the ride hailing sphere. With its commitment to affordability, transparency, and driver satisfaction, it’s reshaping the way we think about commuting in the Philippines.

So if you’re tired of breaking the bank every time you need a ride, it’s time to say hello to Tara – your wallet’s soon-to-be new best friend.

Also, check out ride-hailing apps in the Philippines and a Cebu South Bus Terminal’s booking app for daily commuters. For more current affairs in the country, visit The Smart Local Philippines.

Cover image adapted from: Erwin Dee via Facebook