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Filipino Delivery Man Wears Spider-Man Costume To Earn Money For Sick Wife’s Treatment

Delivery man in Spider-Man costume

With COVID-19 hitting the economy hard, Filipinos are left to find creative ways to earn money. Opening online bakeries to designing unique PPEs are just some of the ways people have been coping with the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For some, being self-employed is a matter of saving up for themselves or their families, but for others, it’s an urgent matter of life and death – as it is for this delivery man in Batangas who delivers parcels in a Spider-Man costume so that he can attract more customers and earn more income for his sick wife.

Delivery man in Spider-Man costume earns money for wife

spiderman on delivery bike
Image credit:
Jheelan Ocon

It seems like only yesterday when Filipinos were dressing up in costumes as makeshift PPEs while running quick errands. These days, even those who are out working the whole day are clad in costumes, not just for protection but also as a diskarte for their businesses.

For Batangueño delivery man Jheelan Ocon of JHEEPabili Delivery Services, who has dubbed himself Spriderman, wearing a Spider-Man costume is his way of attracting more clients. His urgent need to earn money stems from having to pay for treatments for his wife, who has chronic kidney disease. 

The immediate solution for her condition is regular dialysis, but he dreams to earn enough to get her a kidney transplant one day.

The sp-rider-man is a superhero in his own way

spriderman delivery man - spiderman with kids
Image credit:
Jheelan Ocon

Despite the sobering reason behind his Spider-Man costume, Ocon proceeds through life with a smile and a generous heart. 

He believes that children have it tough too, having to stay home instead of exploring the outside world. So while he’s out running deliveries, he offers to spend extra time to play and take photos with customers’ kids.

spiderman delivery man - spiderman with traffic enforcer
Image credit:
Jheelan Ocon

He also takes breaks between deliveries to distribute meriyenda or snacks to other hard-working frontliners, such as traffic enforcers.

He’s offering his delivery services around Batangas

spiderman delivery man - jheepabili servicesImage adapted from: Jheelan Ocon

For those who live in Batangas City and want to help Ocon and his family out, you can check out his Facebook page, JHEEPabili Delivery Services for what delivery services he renders, from food deliveries to palengke needs.

His rates range from P100 to P150 (~USD2.05-3.08), and he accepts payments through bank transfer for those who prefer no-contact transactions.

Be your own Spider-Man and help those in need

In Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse, Miles Morales says “Anyone can wear the mask,” which is why Ocon’s decision to dress up as Spider-Man fits his small but heroic actions. Not only is he selflessly working for his wife, but he is also out there spreading good deeds to other people.

Hopefully, we can all take inspiration from him and be our own versions of Spider-Man. Let’s help out anyone we can, however we can.

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Cover image adapted from: Jheelan Ocon and Jheelan Ocon