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Content Creator Raco Ruiz Is Having An Art Exhibit, “Surrealicious”, In August, Here’s What We Know

Raco Ruiz “Surrealicious” art exhibit

Content creator and visual artist Raco Ruiz is unveiling an art exhibit called Surrealicious and it may be all sorts of whimsical and nostalgic.

Inspired by his own memories, this exhibit will dive into the depths of childhood nostalgia through kids’ cereal and the “euphoric” sugar rush that it brings. Moreover, everything will be showcased in one fascinating display.

TikToker behind #spongebro and #conyoverse series

raco ruiz's Creator Profile

raco ruiz's Creator Profile

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Many of you may know Raco Ruiz as the creative mastermind behind the viral sensations #spongebro and #conyoverse on TikTok. The #Spongebro series follows Ruiz’ funny conyo – Filipino slang for combining English and Tagalog in a sentence – voiceovers on SpongeBob SquarePants.

raco ruiz's Creator Profile

raco ruiz's Creator Profile

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And the #conyoverse series revolves around videos of hypothetical conversations between conyo speakers and the terms that they come up with. Some of these terms include “itchy” (referring to Makati) and “pics”. The latter is something you say when you’re “g”, i.e. “I’m ‘g'”. And “img” is an abbreviation of “image”, hence the term “pics”.

Second solo exhibit

While his TikTok videos have taken social media by storm, Raco Ruiz is taking things a step further with his mesmerizing art exhibit that’ll bring his creations to life.

The Surrealicious exhibit will be his second solo exhibit – his first one was titled Ruined. And ICYMI, he has also exhibited his works in two group shows named Neighborhood and Surprise back in 2022.

Raco Ruiz Surrealicious - art exhibit
Image credit: @racobell via Instagram 

This upcoming exhibit will share Ruiz’s take on his childhood memories conveyed through the use of kids’ breakfast cereal, especially its mascots. Ruiz explains, “cereal mascots were my best friends growing up. I spent every morning with them,” and that, “for a kid, the morning cereal ritual can be considered a euphoric, surreal experience where the lines of reality are blurred.”

Furthermore, he shares that the exhibit will showcase exactly that – the “sugar rush brought about by [kids’] favorite breakfast cereals.”

Things to know

art exhibit details
Image credit: @racobell via Instagram 

The Surrealicious exhibit will run from 6th to 18th August 2023 at the Secret Fresh Gallery in San Juan. Opening hours are from 4pm-6pm on the 6th and 11am-6pm in the following days.

And of course, it’s free! So bring your friends, family, and anyone you know who loves a good dose of nostalgia and artistic brilliance.

The nostalgia of kids’ cereal

Raco Ruiz has already made a name for himself on social media, and now he’s doing the same in the art industry. Seemingly, this exhibit will take you down memory lane and let you reminisce about the simple days of enjoying cereal as a kid.

Read about Juan Luna’s long-lost masterpiece or the Museum of Emotions in Cebu for more art-related topics. For more current affairs in the country, check out The Smart Local Philippines.

Cover image adapted from: @racobell via Instagram