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9 Signs You’re A Certified Pinoy Budget Traveler, From Avoiding Excess Baggage To Budgeting Food

Signs that you’re a Pinoy budget traveler

Gone are the days when traveling abroad was only for the few. Traveling has become more accessible these days – hence, the birth of a new breed of travelers: the Pinoy Budget Travelers. They are those whom you can ask for travel hacks because they can always manage to get the cheapest flights during piso sales, or with whom you can sign up as a ‘joiner’ among a travel group. 

Pinoy budget travelers budget as they travel – as seen in these 9 traits of true-blue Pinoy budget travelers that we can learn to make our trips less expensive.

1. You know the exact moment a P1 flight deal drops

Pinoy budget traveler - piso sale
Image credit: Seat Sale PH 

You’re so used to the waiting game year-round that you know the usual season when a seat sale is coming. You get a hunch, only to be notified later on via your Go Rewards app that piso seat sales are indeed coming in a few days. *exhales*

You were able to travel around the Philippines or Asia in the past because of flight tickets as low as P1,000 or even P1. Booking on the first day of seat sales? Check. Staying up until midnight? Another check. Booking less popular destinations? Been there, done that. 

2. You pull off a 2.5kg winter outfit to accept the #ExcessBaggageChallenge

Pinoy budget traveler - excess baggage challenge
Image credit: Gel Rodriguez

When it comes to packing for your short-term travels, you allocate your items wisely between your hand carry luggage and a small bag to not exceed the free 7kg allowance. So much so that in times of unexpected #excessbaggagechallenge moments, you can pull off a 2.5kg winter outfit, like what Gel Rodriguez did in October 2019 when she was asked to pay for her extra 2kg of baggage.

Instead of paying an additional fee, she put on 2kg worth of clothes in layers instead.

3. You already won an item or two from Cebu Pacific’s in-flight games, because there’s no other way to travel but low cost

Pinoy budget traveler - Cebu Pacifiic games
Image credit: Eric Gokongwei

You’ve probably won a bag or two from the guessing games during your Cebu Pacific flights. You take these games seriously, sometimes just raising your hand up even though you don’t know the answer to the flight attendant’s question, just to get a chance to win those branded bags from the airline.

Talk about being competitive.

4. You’re the first to travel when a country like Russia and Taiwan relaxes their visa policies

Pinoy budget traveler - visa policies
Image credit: April Love B. Nuguit 

Visa expenses are a big deal to you, because those thousands of pesos spent on applications alone could be allocated instead to hostel rent or even a flight ticket.

So when Russia and Taiwan relaxed their visa policies, you were one of the first to take advantage of the opportunity to check off one more country on your travel bucket list.

5. You’ve been a long-time member of the most popular local Facebook pages for travellers

Pinoy budget traveler - Byaheng Budgetarian
Image credit: Travel Philippines (Byaheng Budgetarian – Project 81)

There’s a growing community of Pinoy budget travellers online, thanks to the Philippines being a social media capital and the Filipinos’ desire to travel.

You’re probably a long-time member of pages such as DIY Travel Philippines or Travel Philippines (Byaheng Budgetarian – Project 81) for insider travel information and sharing your travel stories with like-minded folks. 

6. When you manage to make it to an expensive country such as Japan for only P15,000 for 5 days, you flex it

japan travel itinerary by filipino traveller
Image credit: Sarah Mae Ichigoshoppe 

You share travel itineraries with a seemingly impossible budget with your ka-DIY to lowkey brag about your skills as a budget traveler, and also because sharing is caring.

Side note: follow The Smart Local Japan and The Smart Local South Korea for our Japan and South Korea travel tips to prepare for when travel reopens again.

7. And when you finally succeed in unlocking that much-coveted US visa, you don’t forget to look back to your roots

us visa philippine traveller
Image credit: Joel Dimaano 

You’ve been a long-time budget traveler, having traveled to most countries in Asia already. Until one day, you’re ready to take the risk of traveling to the United States of America, applying for that expensive and difficult visa with your modest savings. 

And as if the universe is listening, all your efforts have finally paid off – you’ve been granted that much-coveted ticket every novice budget traveler is dreaming of. You’ve made it – and you don’t forget to share it with your fellow ka-DIY. 

8. You sometimes travel as a joiner when none of your friends or relatives are available

trip joiners
Image credit: @roannnaaaaaa

Sometimes you just can’t let go of your travel plans even if none of your closest friends or relatives are available to travel with you. So you look up tours set up for ‘joiners’ online, going through your favorite local Facebook pages. 

Because aside from the set dates and itineraries, traveling with a group of strangers lessens your expenses significantly.

9. Pancit Canton has become a staple food just so you can save up for that GoPro camera

gopro pancit canton hugot meme
Image credit:
Lazo Via

You’ve always wanted to take better panoramic selfies with your travels, so you save up for a GoPro camera to the point that Pancit Canton has become your best friend.

Frankly though, who could get enough of Pancit Canton, with all its flavorful seasoning?

Pinoy budget traveler traits

If there is one thing budget traveling teaches us, traveling is an accessible leisure if you know how to allocate your limited resources well. Pinoy budget travelers are indeed a living example of the popular saying that “if there’s a will, there’s a way.” 

And while budget traveling requires a lot of compromises, here’s hoping that in 2022 and beyond, every Pinoy budget traveler will be on their way to their trip of a lifetime, soon. 

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Cover image adapted from: Gel Rodriguez, @roannnaaaaaa, and mashareqsupermarket