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Electronic Election Results In The Philippines Show Bongbong Marcos Winning, Here’s Why We Should Wait & See

Bongbong Marcos leads in electronic election results

The 2022 Philippine election has put the Philippines under the scrutiny of people around the world since the presidential candidates began to make themselves known. October 2021. After all, the son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. is among those running for the highest political seat.

On the evening of the election on 9th May 2022, electronic election results showed Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. leading the polls. Despite this, there are still factors to consider before Marcos Jr.’s win can be considered official.

This article was updated on 10 May 2022 at 3.30PM Philippine time.

Bongbong Marcos’ pending disqualification cases


Image credit: @RG_Cruz12479

One factor that may affect Marcos Jr.’s political comeback is the Philippine Commission on Elections’ (Comelec’s) decision on his remaining disqualification cases.

At around 11.40AM today, the Comelec has dismissed four of six remaining disqualification cases against Marcos Jr.

According to Comelec Chairman Saidamen Pangarungan, they were unable to release their rulings on time because of non-working holidays preceding election day.

Marcos Jr. has two more disqualification cases awaiting a decision today.

If the decision comes out before Marcos Jr. takes his oath as president, the presidential runner-up – current Vice President Leni Robredo – will become president. If this happens after he has taken over the presidential seat, the winning vice president – Sara Duterte – will take over.

Disqualification cases against Marcos Jr. have been filed since he submitted his candidacy in October 2021. Seven petitions have since been junked.

PPCRV’s manual counting

Image credit: @davinci_maru

While the COMELEC is almost finished counting the election results electronically, Filipinos still have to watch out for the manual counting results from the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV).

The PPCRV is a national, parish-based, non-partisan movement run by volunteers. It’s the citizens’ arm of the Comelec that manually encodes the physical copies of the election returns to ensure a clean and honest election.

The poll watchdog received the first batch of election results at around 12AM today. As of writing, manual counting is still ongoing.

If the PPCRV’s manual count largely differs from the electronic results, a failure of election will be declared. There could be a recount or another election will be held. The Comelec will also be investigated.

New Philippine president still to be determined

While the electronic election results show Bongbong Marcos being 16 million votes ahead of his strongest competitor, Leni Robredo, the factors above can still affect his bid for the presidency.

For now, the Philippines awaits the decision for his disqualification cases as well as the results of the PPCRV’s manual count.

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Cover image adapted from: Bongbong Marcos and @myouimn37_Â