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Pet Owners Refuse To Abandon Their Fur Babies During Typhoon Rolly, As Seen In These Netizen Pictures

Pet rescues during Typhoon Rolly

You’ll be hard-pressed to find someone who expected 2020 to unfold the way it did.  From the COVID-19 pandemic and undergoing different quarantine protocols to animals on the loose, this year has been nothing short of unpredictable. And with a few months left in the year, the surprises just keep coming.

Joining the list of unfortunate events this 2020 is Typhoon Rolly. The category 5 super typhoon hit Bicol last Sunday, 1st November. It harshly affected the people in Catanduanes and Albay, along with their homes, workplaces, and even their pets. Fortunately, these pet owners made sure not to abandon their pets despite all the obstacles the storm brought.

Typhoon Rolly hit Bicol

Image credit: ウィルフォード ヒスマン サシ

Last Sunday, Typhoon Rolly hit the Philippines with statistics that rivaled Typhoon Yolanda’s back in 2013. With Yolanda bringing along winds of 315 kph and gusts of up to 380 kph, Rolly’s brought winds of 225 kph and gusts of up to 310 kph. This earned the typhoon the title of the strongest typhoon in 2020 so far.

Typhoon Rolly wreaked havoc on the region of Bicol, namely the provinces of Catanduanes and Albay, last Sunday. Several lives were taken as a storm surge also destroyed houses and structures, turning people’s lives upside down in the blink of an eye. However, one thing that didn’t change despite this tragedy was Filipinos’ love for their pets.

Pet owners refuse to abandon pets

Image credit: ウィルフォード ヒスマン サシ

People all over the world treat their pets like family, and Filipinos are no exception. Even the strongest typhoon won’t take away this characteristic from us. Along with pictures of the aftermath of Typhoon Rolly, several photos of pet owners rescuing their pets went viral across social media platforms.

In these photos, you’ll see pet owners carrying their pets in their arms, together with bags full of their things as they evacuate flooded areas. Others put their pets on boats or bangkas, rowing them to safety. Others lifted them up to their homes’ rooftops to escape the rising flood levels. Despite the strong rain, the storm surge, and gusts of wind, these responsible pet owners refused to abandon their fur babies, and ensured the welfare of their pets.

How to help animals that were affected

Image credit: Barkpack

Despite the noble acts of these pet owners, some animals were still left behind during the storm. Strays and pets alike were left behind in abandoned areas of the affected provinces with no one to care for them in the aftermath of the storm.

If you’re wondering how you can help, you can keep checking Barkpack’s Facebook page. This organization is coordinating with organizations and beneficiaries in Bicol, and hopes to open up ways for people to donate or to foster these abandoned animals.

You can also contribute through the Philippine Animal Welfare Society, which is collecting dog and cat food, canned food for humans, preloved usable clothing, and tarps at their Quezon City pickup point. Cash donations are also welcome and more information on how to donate through the end of November is in this link with bank details.

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Cover image adapted from: ウィルフォード ヒスマン サシ