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Inabel La Union’s Handwoven, Locally Made Inabel Blankets Will Keep You Cool In Your Sleep

Inabel blankets are perfect for the hot Philippine climate

While it is already rainy season in the Philippines, there are still days when the sun is blaring hot in the morning. Some of this heat lingers until nighttime, resulting in restless sleep from trying to figure out whether or not you need a blanket.

Thankfully, Inabel La Union offers the perfect solution. Lightweight and made with fine, cotton threads, their inabel blankets are perfect for the Philippine climate, especially for people who don’t have air conditioning at home.

Quality, long-lasting blankets

Inabel La Union - hula hoop design
Hula hoop, one of the more traditional inabel designs, shows the great detail that goes into every product.
Image credit: @inabellaunion

Inabel blankets are handwoven blankets from the Ilocos Region. The term inabel comes from the Ilocano word “abel” which translates to “weave”. This traditional weaving process has been preserved throughout centuries and predates the Spanish occupation. 

Like the long-enduring weaving tradition, inabel products are also long-lasting so they are definitely worth investing in. In fact, they are popular in the region for being of such great quality that they stay with families for generations. 

Wide variety of hand-woven blankets

Inabel La Union - earth tone blankets
Inabel La Union’s inabel products also come in earth tones for people who wish to maintain an earthy or minimalist aesthetic
Image credit: @inabellaunion

Besides traditional inabel designs, Inabel La Union also offers more modern designs and a wide range of colors to cater to the younger market. Their inabel creations even come in earth tones, ideal for people who want to maintain a minimalist aesthetic in their home.

Your inabel blanket doesn’t have to look out of place in your home either- this brand carries matching inabel bed sheets, pillowcases, and even beach towels so you can use the local textile for any occasion.

It’s also not a problem if you wish to share this awesome find with family and friends. The shop accepts bulk orders for celebrations and corporate events.

Taking inabel blankets to Instagram

Inabel La Union - wedding souvenirs
A bunch of inabel blanket wedding souvenirs bound for California
Image credit: @inabellaunion

Inabel textile and products have long existed but businesses that sell these nationwide through the Internet have only been around in recent years. Inabel La Union brings inabel blankets and products to social media and e-commerce platforms, allowing more people from outside the region to enjoy them.

While they are conveniently sold on Facebook, Instagram, and Shopee, Inabel La Union’s prices remain fair so you don’t have to worry about buying overpriced indigenous products on social media.  

Sustaining tradition and supporting inabel weavers

Local-owned brands such as Inabel La Union not only make inabel products accessible, but they also help Ilocanos realize that their craft is marketable and may even convince the younger generation to carry on the inabel weaving tradition.

Besides keeping tradition from fading, supporting brands that uplift local, indigenous products also benefits the local weavers that create these artful masterpieces.

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Cover image adapted from: @inabellaunion and @inabellaunion