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Filipina Designer Held First New York Fashion Week Show, Clothing Inspired By Traditional Filipino Costumes

Filipina held first New York Fashion Week show

For many aspiring creatives such as fashion designers, being recognized internationally takes time given that the creative sector requires more than just skill to break into.

But for Filipina Chrystel Anne Clasicas, whose fashion label Chrystel Anne Fashion is based in Dubai, breaking many barriers has proven to be possible.

Her new label has reached a milestone this year, as it’s one of the brands that showcased pieces at the New York Fashion Week in February.

‘I was raised to believe that having a creative career will not make me a living’

Chrystel Anne Fashion - New York Fashion Week 2021
Clasicas at her February 2021 fashion show
Image credit: Chrystel Clasicas

Posting on Facebook group Subtle Filipino Traits on 11th October, Clasicas shared her label’s first New York Fashion Week show this past February. She also gave a glimpse of the challenges she had had to go through just to pursue her creative passion, which she was raised to believe wouldn’t land her a lucrative living.

“Coming from a strict Filipino household, I was raised to believe that having a creative career will not make me a living. I loved designing and sewing ever since I was super young. I followed and studied what my parents wanted me to do and eventually graduated in Business Management. I used to be so angry and frustrated with them because I thought, ‘What kind of parents would not support their child[‘s] dream?'” Clasicas wrote.

But today, her family turned out to be supportive of her first exhibition at one of the world’s important fashion events, New York Fashion Week. “Fast forward to today, my parents have turned into my number 1 fans and have seated front row in my first show for New York Fashion Week. My background in Management helped me run my business better so thanks Tiger Ma and Baba,” she continued.

Her pieces are inspired by traditional Filipino costumes

Chrystel Anne Fashion - New York Fashion Week 2021
Image credit: Chrystel Anne Fashion, Chrystel Anne Fashion

Clasicas’ fashion house, which designs pieces that can be worn at casual and special events, mainly takes inspiration from her Filipino cultural roots. The dresses and tops, for instance, resemble traditional Filipiniana outfits, but are modernized to adapt to today’s trends.

To be more environmentally friendly, the brand crafts items in small batches.

Chrystel Anne Fashion - New York Fashion Week 2021
Image credit: Chrystel Anne Fashion

Aside from tops and dresses, Chrystel Anne Fashion also creates gowns. The pieces shown in February 2021 came with huge, colorful silhouettes.

Chrystel Anne Fashion at New York Fashion Week 2021

It’s not easy getting noticed and to showcase at New York Fashion Week, but Chystel Anne Fashion proved that sometimes, dreams can really come true. Her exhibit at the fashion week is also a win not just for her label, but also for many Filipinos whose talents deserved to be given the international spotlight.

Kudos to Clasicas, and here’s hoping more up-and-coming local designers also get to be a part of such a global event.

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Cover image adapted from: Chrystel Anne Fashion, Chrystel Anne Fashion