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Netizen Applauds Bayanihan E-Konsulta’s Fast & Free COVID-19 Online Help That Includes A Free Home Care Kit

Bayanihan E-Konsulta’s COVID-19 home care kit

If you’ve tested positive for COVID-19, but are only advised to recuperate at home, it can be hard to know where to start on your way to recovery.

Thankfully, COVID-19 outpatients who live in the NCR+ areas can have something to look forward to from the Office of the Vice President’s Bayanihan E-Konsulta, which provides free teleconsultation services for mild COVID-19 cases and other ailments, and even delivers a free COVID-19 home care kit straight to your home.

The free teleconsultation is fast as well as free – netizen Judy Sayjoe has testified to the good service that her relative in Metro Manila received after he had tested positive for COVID-19 on 2nd June.

The patient scheduled an online consultation with Bayanihan E-Konsulta

Bayanihan E-Konsulta - Facebook Messenger
Image adapted from: Judy Sayjoe

The patient, who Sayjoe didn’t name, had had a hard time going out so he decided instead to consult the Facebook page of E-Konsulta through Facebook Messenger. He only had to fill out the necessary information on the platform to be assisted by a volunteer who directed him to a doctor for his medical prescriptions.

“He filled out the required information yesterday thru [M]essenger. Within a few hours, a volunteer called and connected him to a doctor. The doctor sent him the medical prescription after a few minutes,” Sayjoe wrote on her post.

The service also included a free COVID-19 home care kit

Bayanihan E-Konsulta - COVID-19 care kit
Image credit: Judy Sayjoe

Days after the consultation, a free COVID-19 home care kit, which includes medical supplies such as medicines, oximeter, thermometer, disinfectant, alcohol, masks, mouthwash, and hydrating salts were delivered free of charge straight to his doorstep.

Bayanihan E-Konsulta - COVID-19 care kit
Image adapted from: Judy Sayjoe

“Early this morning, he received a text that a COVID-19 Care Kit [was] on the way to his address containing medical supplies which include medicines, oximeter, thermometer, disinfectant, alcohol, masks, gargle, hydrating salts, etc. (with instructions) and the courier fee is already paid,” Sayjoe also said.

This kind of service is indeed inspiring, and is what the public needs in these trying times. Kudos to Vice President Robredo and her team of volunteers and doctors.

Netizen applauds Bayanihan E-Konsulta’s free COVID-19 care kit

The responsive, fast, and free consultation that Sayjoe’s relative received have indeed set an example of what good medical public service should be like these days, as seen from the many positive responses to her post.

Consulting with Bayanihan E-Konsulta is also easy – if you are recovering from COVID-19 at home or want advice on other health concerns, just go to their Facebook page and message them with the required details.

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Cover image adapted from: Bayanihan E-Konsulta, Judy Sayjoe