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VP Candidate Sara Duterte Reveals Plans For Mandatory Military Service, Receives Flak On Social Media

Sara Duterte pushes for mandatory military service

In a virtual campaign event on 19th January, vice presidential candidate Sara Duterte-Carpio revealed her plans for mandatory military service in the Philippines if she wins in the upcoming elections.

Gagamitin ko po ang aking opisina sa Office of the Vice President para po kausapin ang Congress – The House of Representatives – and the Senate of the Philippines to make military service for all [18 years old], male and female mandatory in our country,” the VP candidate said.

(“I will use my office, the Office of the Vice President, to talk to the Congress and the Senate to make military service for all 18-year olds, male and female, mandatory in our country.”)

Duterte-Carpio also cited South Korea and Israel as examples of countries that require their citizens to render military service. According to her, the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program that Philippine schools offer isn’t enough.

Young Filipinos speak up

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Duterte-Carpio’s proposal wasn’t well-received on social media, especially on Twitter where younger Filipinos are. This caused the topic to trend on the platform.

According to many Twitter users, more pressing problems such as the Covid-19 pandemic should be addressed first. One user typed, “miss maam really chose to prioritize mandatory military service instead of implementing free healthcare and testing, fixing education system and effective covid response no?” Miss ma’am is an internet slang used to refer to anyone, often women, with emphasis.

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They also voiced out how mandatory military service would be yet another burden to families who are counting on younger family members to join the workforce in order to get by.

“But imagine graduating senior high school then going to the military because it’s mandatory rather than focusing on our future or course. It just gives us extra stress and most students only dream of finishing college and getting decent-paying jobs for their families. Mandatory military service is not an answer,” a tweet in English and Filipino read.

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Meanwhile, others pointed out that parents who agree with mandatory military service to discipline the youth should remember that it is their responsibility to raise their children well.

“Adults who didn’t experience mandatory military service but want to “discipline” the youth should question how much they lacked in parenting and disciplining their kids without abusing them,” said another tweet in English and Filipino.

Others express their agreement

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There are also some social media profiles that expressed their agreement with Duterte-Carpio’s mandatory service. They believe that this will help the country in the event of war.

“I honestly quite agree with Duterte about having mandatory military service because what if there will be a war one day and we don’t have enough members of the army? I understand how tiring it will be but it’s the best for our country,” one user tweeted.

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Some also view requiring citizens to serve in the military as a way for younger-generation Filipinos to discover their love for the country.

A Facebook commenter wrote in Filipino, “It’s just right so millennials will open their eyes to their love for their country.”

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Others also said they see it as an opportunity to try going into the otherwise elusive military.

“When I found out that Mayor Sara wants to push mandatory military service when she wins VP, I felt happy because I really want to try being in the military,” one supporter posted in Filipino.

The Smart Local Philippines has viewed the original tweets and comments.

Lawmakers should weigh the pros and cons

While the country might need a stronger defense to protect our land and water territory, lawmakers should consider the points that Filipinos of younger generations are making.

After all, our youth is the future of our country, so it’s just right that they have a say in the future they want for themselves too.

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Cover image adapted from: @bbmsara_uniteamofficial