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Gamer Recreates Laguna’s Enchanted Kingdom Online For Fellow Theme Park Fans To Enjoy

Gamer builds a virtual version of Enchanted Kingdom

Despite the ban on travel due to the community quarantine, thankfully, we live in an era where many wanderlust-inducing landmarks and attractions can be recreated online.

Missing his travels, Filipino gamer Jim Diaz resorted instead to creating a virtual simulation of Enchanted Kingdom in Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

Designed in 105 hours of playtime

Playing on Parkitect, a theme park simulation video game, Diaz was able to recreate the beloved local theme park as a cute, colorful, high-definition virtual reality model over 105 hours from April 25 to May 22.

On his Facebook page called “Eat and Run”, he also showcased his Enchanted Kingdom simulation in a 2-minute video, showing our favorite rides – from Ekstreme Tower Ride to Rio Grande Rapids – with visitors strolling along the park. It’s complete with all the landmarks and tiny details that real-life visitors would be able to see when visiting the theme park. 

Enchanted Kingdom's Space Shuttle on virtual simulation
Representation of Space Shuttle
Image credit: Steam 

The gamer shared screenshots of the virtual reality Parkitect version of the theme park on Steam. Anyone can download the file if they own the Parkitect game. Do note that users have to download a list of game mods listed here as well to see the park in its full form. 

Enchanted Kingdom Parkitect simulation uploaded on Steam
Image credit: Steam Community

Netizens were amazed at the next-level simulation, while a  Redditor Gordon1fm called it ‘incredible’ that Diaz was able to create the theme park in 105 hours – considered a short amount of time for this much work.

Reddit comments on the EK simulation
Image credit: Gordon1fm 

Redditor Mmmm_fstop praised the scope of the theme park and different zones, and even asked if the signature wizard statue in the theme park was also included in the simulation. 

Redditor comment on the EK simulation
Image credit: Mmmm_fstop

Even Enchanted Kingdom itself got word of Diaz’s virtual reality version of their park, and featured it on their official Facebook page.

Enchanted Kingdom's Facebook post about Jim Diaz's work
Image credit: Enchanted Kingdom

We can’t think of any better affirmation from a shoutout from the OG theme park itself.

Free virtual tour of Enchanted Kingdom

While travelling is on hold for everyone for now, the wonders of technology online allow us to explore attractions online to feel a dose of escapism in our monotonous days at home. And thankfully, we have local gamers like Diaz who skillfully create such temporary virtual escapes for those of us missing the joys of the outdoors during a pandemic. 

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Cover image adapted from: jimdrix