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SIM Registration Extended For 90 Days, Social Media Services To Be Deactivated

SIM registration deadline extended for 90 days

On 27th December 2022, the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Registration Act was implemented. Its aim is to protect users from spam messages and scams through text. Under this act, all sim users are required by law to register their sim by 26 April.

However, due to low numbers of registration, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) declared that the SIM registration deadline will extend up to 90 days.

Decision-making for the 90 day-extension

SIM Card Registration - 90-day extension
Image credit: Sim Card Registration via Facebook

While some officials initially agreed to have no extensions beyond the original deadline of 26 April 2023, the low registration rate led them to rethink this decision.

SIM Card Registration - Senator Grace Poe supports extension
Image credit: Philippine Star via Facebook 

Senator Grace Poe commented that some rural and remote areas, including the Bangsamoro region, need to be reached out to. This means that the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and other telecommunications companies should maximize their efforts in upping the registration numbers in these areas.

At the moment, only less than 60% out of 168 million active SIMs have been registered.

Most social media services are cut off

SIM Card Registration - social media services and telcos
Image credit: Philippine Star via Facebook

While SIM users still have a chance to register given the extension period, Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla reiterated that most social media services will be suspended during the 90-day extension period.

Because of this, unregistered SIMs will experience social media inaccessibility with their corresponding service providers in the next 90 days. Services will only be reactivated once the registration has been made. Failure to register within the extension period will lead to complete SIM deactivation.

Prevention of spam and scams

As Senator Grace Poe stated, the SIM Registration Act is “not meant to punish legitimate SIM subscribers”, but it was executed to put a stop to crimes being committed through text – an issue that has become widespread in the country.

While it’s not a surefire way to completely end them, officials believe that it can lessen the spam and scams going rampant. In this case, support from the public will be much appreciated.

If you’re using Smart, Globe, or DITO, you may register here:

SIM Card Registration - Smart, Globe, and DITOImage credit: Philippine Information Agency Caraga via Facebook 

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Cover image adapted from: Philippine Star via Facebook