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Bride In Davao Del Norte Dodges Groom’s Kiss At Wedding, Turns Out She Was Too Shy

Bride dodges kiss from the groom

In February 2022, a video of a wedding ceremony in Asuncion, Davao Norte went viral, with almost two million views, when the bride refused to kiss the groom.

After the priest declared, “You may now kiss the bride,” the groom attempted to kiss his bride. However, after several attempts, the bride still refused to kiss him.

It wasn’t until during the wedding photos and reception that the bride let the groom kiss her.

Guests were amused over the bride not kissing the groom

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Lamsin’s Tiktok video where the Davaoeño priest states “you may now kiss the bride.”
Video credit: Jessie Lamsin

The video uploader, Jessie Lamsin, documented the wedding ceremony. The event panned out normally until the priest announced, “You may now kiss the bride,” in Davaoeño.

Removing their masks, the groom, Victor Cercado, leaned towards the bride, Wena Balis. As Balis dodged Cercado’s kiss, the guests started laughing amusedly. Cercado kept trying several times before stopping to sign their marriage certificate.

Groom finally kisses the bride

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Lamsin’s Tiktok video where Cercado finally kissed Balis
Video credit: Jessie Lamsin

According to Lamsin, it was the groom’s first time to attempt kissing the bride in their one-year relationship. Apart from the bride being terribly shy, this may also have been a reason why Balis wouldn’t kiss him.

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Lamsin’s Tiktok video showing Cercado kissing Balis for a second time
Video credit: Jessie Lamsin

Cercado ended up kissing her during the wedding photos with the male guests cheering them on once more. Cercado still tried a few times before he was able to finally kiss Balis for the first time. A second kiss followed after the couple took photos with mostly female guests.

However, he could only manage a short peck during both instances before she would duck away.

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Lamsin’s Tiktok video, Cercado and Balis’ kiss during their reception
Video credit: Jessie Lamsin

Even during their prosperity dance at the reception, Cercado still couldn’t kiss Balis without her dodging first.

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Lamsin’s Tiktok video, Cercado and Balis’ kiss during their reception
Video credit: Jessie Lamsin

The kiss always happened at the 2nd or 3rd try when the guests constantly encouraged them.

Taking shyness to a whole new level

Nevertheless, the important part is that the groom and bride are now married, and ready to start a new life together as husband and wife.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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Cover image adapted from Jessie Lamsin