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Davao Opens Dome-Shaped Isolation Facility That Looks Straight Out Of A Sci-Fi Film

Davao opens new isolation facility called the NCCC Dome

With disinfectant drones, a robot alcohol dispenser, and quaranthings popping up during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, we sometimes compare the times we live in now to science fiction films. 

Recently, the City Government of Davao announced the opening of the New City Commercial Center Dome (NCCC Dome), an isolation facility for COVID-19 patients in the area. With its unique geometrical design, it’s yet another Filipino invention in COVID-19 that’d fit right into a futuristic movie.

The NCCC Dome looks straight out of a Stephen King novel

Davao dome isolation facility
Image credit: City Government of Davao 

Serving as an additional reserved patient care center to support local hospitals, the NCCC Dome has a total area of 1,250 square meters which can accommodate up to 78 persons.

Davao dome isolation facility - A scene from the American TV series Under the Dome
A scene from the American TV series Under the Dome
Image credit: Amazon

It’s remarkable for its unique dome-shaped exterior that brings to mind the Stephen King novel-turned TV series Under the Dome. In the novel, a small town was suddenly separated from the outside world by an invisible, enormous dome-like barrier.

Holding area for Davaoeños and incoming LSIs

Davao dome isolation facility
Image credit: City Government of Davao

The NCCC Dome is serving as a holding area for Davaoeños and incoming locally stranded individuals (LSIs) who have undergone RT-PCR tests and are waiting for their results. 

Patients admitted to the NCCC Dome need not worry about medical costs, as they won’t need to pay a single peso for its services.

DOH will provide the medical personnel

According to NCCC Malls president Sharlene Faye A. Lim, the Department of Health (DOH) will provide doctors, nurses, and handle all operations in the dome. Meanwhile, the local government will provide personnel other than the medical staff, food and supplies, utilities, security, and police services.

Davao dome isolation facility
Image credit: City Government of Davao 

As of August 6, DOH Davao Center for Health Development reported 33 new cases of COVID-19 in the Davao region, which brings its total number of active cases to 486. The region has overall recorded a total of 1,448 cases.

Davao dome isolation facility
Image credit: City Government of Davao

Davao’s futuristic dome isolation facility

Filipinos’ practical creativity indeed never runs out – even in times of a pandemic, we can create a facility that helps save people’s lives and keeps the community healthy, but also stands out as a futuristic architectural sight. 

Let’s stay home as much as possible and keep up health measures such as wearing masks and washing our hands often, to support the efforts of medical and non-medical workers working hard to help the Philippines recover.

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Cover image adapted from: City Government of Davao