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Cat Walks 5 Blocks To Attend The Wake Of The Lolo Who Used To Share His Burgers With Him

Apang the ginger cat attends lolo’s wake

People have been treating pets like family since time immemorial. Some pet parents rescue animals and care for them until they’re back in tiptop shape. Others dress their fur babies up during special occasions. Others even feed and care for strays as if they were their own pets.

However, in the midst of flexing our fur babies and animal stories online, we sometimes forget how our pets love us just as much as we love them. This tragic story of Apang the ginger cat and how he refused to part with his favorite human after he attended the latter’s wake is sure to move you to tears and have you hugging your pets a little tighter tonight.

Apang the cat walked 5 blocks to attend lolo’s wake

Image credit: Ira Lanuza Villagracia

Loss isn’t easy to go through for us humans, but Apang the ginger cat’s story proves that it’s just as difficult for animals. In a viral Facebook post, granddaughter Ira Lanuza Villagracia shared her account of what happened at her grandfather’s wake when Apang walked 5 blocks from his home to the funeral parlor where lolo rested.

The cat then proceeded to climb and lie on top of the coffin. Family members promptly removed him from the coffin, but the cat lingered nearby and laid down on the floor by the coffin instead. Since then, the cat refused to leave lolo’s side, even skipping meals for several days.

Apang after lolo was laid to rest

Image credit: Ira Lanuza Villagracia

After shocking lolo‘s family and friends who were at the wake with his almost-human display of grief, Apang finally went back to his home after lolo was finally laid to rest on 17th October. The granddaughter also confirmed that Apang has regained his appetite and is back to his regular diet.

Although Apang seems to have found his peace after lolo was buried, his story remains a poignant reminder for netizens that pets mourn over humans, too. Villagracia’s Facebook post has amassed 13,000 likes and almost 7,000 shares as of writing.

Cat-loving lolo

Image credit: Ira Lanuza Villagracia

Apang the cat’s story was surprising at first. However, after getting to know the lolo he was mourning for, it made a lot of sense.

When he was still alive, lolo was a big cat-lover. He was often photographed with their own pet cat, Persimmon, whether he was sitting on the couch or laying in bed. Lolo’s wife also shares that lolo’s friendship with Apang started withlolo sharing his food with him, such as burgers.

Take care of your pets

While we’re going through our own struggles in life, may we never forget to check up on our fur babies. When it comes to losing someone, pets might take it just as hard as us whenever they lose someone they’re attached to. If you haven’t yet today, check up on your pets and make sure they’re doing alright.

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Cover image adpated from: Ira Lanuza Villagracia and Ira Lanuza VillagraciaÂ