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Dreams on Pointe: Anya Alindada Becomes First Filipina To Graduate Prestigious UK Ballet School

Anya Alindada – first Filipina graduate of elite English ballet school

Before she could even vote, our very own dance prodigy, Anya Nicole Y. Alindada, edged her way into the history books as the first Filipina graduate from the elite English National Ballet School – talk about breaking legs (not literally, guys). Learn her inspiring story here.

Who is Anya Alindada?

Image credit: @anyaballerinaofficial via Instagram

Standing tall and willowy at 5’6″,  Anya Nicole Y. Alindada was born and raised in the Philippines. From the get-go, Anya was not your sit-in-the-corner type of kid. Homeschooled by her parents, she had the freedom to twirl around the living room and leap in the backyard to her heart’s content. This freedom gave her the time to develop her passions in gymnastics and dance.  Even at a young age, she had joined competitions and took dancing lessons (jazz, tap, and flamenco) at the Julie Borromeo’s Performing Arts Foundation Inc.

Anya then eventually studied ballet under Maricar Aragon-Andrada. Determined to evolve, Alindada competed in the Japan Grand Prix, which sparked her urge for advanced training overseas.

The leap of faith

Image credit: @anyabballerinaofficial 

Enter 2019: Anya’s mom spots a golden ticket on Facebook, a 3-day dance intensive happening down under in Melbourne. Anya’s performance impressed the artistic director, Jasmina Stefkovski, and she earned a scholarship to the training program starting in February 2020.

As the pandemic hit the globe, Anya persisted with the program, returning to her host family in Australia instead of staying with her own family in the Philippines and continuing her training in Australia. Anya strengthened her technique, and joined virtual competitions, and auditions for top ballet schools. At the Italian competition, Salieri Danza, she was awarded with an ENBS audition opportunity.

What is ENBS?

Anya and her classmates at ENBS.
Image credit: @anyaballerinaofficial via Instagram

The English National Ballet School (ENBS) is a specialist training center for aspiring and highly skilled young ballet dancers aged between 16 to 19. Based in Chelsea, London, it follows a rigorous three-year program that is validated by Trinity College, London. The curriculum at ENBS not only focuses on enhancing classical techniques but also emphasizes students’ physical and mental health through its healthy dancer program. It is one of the most prestigious dance and ballet schools in the world. Upon completion, many of the school’s graduates go on to work in leading dance companies around the world.

Another defining attribute of ENBS is that they offer a nuanced program wherein financial assistance or bursaries can be availed by students in need, subject to change from year to year. And this was exactly what Anya Alindada had wanted and dreamed of. During her ENBS audition, she wasted no effort and impressed ENBS school director, Viviana Durante. Anya was then admitted into the second year of the three-year program, winning an annual bursary of £19,000 (P1,326,953).

A (ballet) star is born

Image credit: @anyaballerinaofficial via Instagram

Anya Alindada’s time at Senior School was grueling but rewarding. As her skills developed, she was chosen to perform at “The Crown” Season 5 launch and London Fashion Week. She was also coached by Durante for her graduation solo performance.

But it wasn’t all rainbows. During a two-month break in the Philippines, Alindada underwent cross-training with Robert Osorio to recover from a shin injury. Post-graduation, Alindada entered a challenging period of auditions as most dance companies were still recovering from pandemic losses.

Future’s looking bright for Anya Alindada

Right now, Anya is back in London and undergoing the Professional Trainee Program of the prestigious ENBS. As she prepares for a professional career at her young age of 19, she remains hopeful for the future. And we’ve no doubt that for this dance prodigy, iit will be

Here’s to Anya, who’s showing us that with enough grit, even our wildest, most impossible pangarap can prance onto the world stage. Keep soaring, queen!

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